sure fuck cologne

Sure Fuck at AVN

Had a blast at AVN. Met up with some old friends and made alot of new ones. The after party’s have been insane! One more tonight then sleep for a couple of days!! Vegas [...]

Thank You!

Thank you to all our customers for helping Sure Fuck Cologne achieve another successful year. To everyone who purchased a bottle this year…We Thank You! We truly value your [...]

More Sure Fuck Testimonials

Bought a bottle about a month ago. This shit is the BOMB! I actually bought a bottle for a buddy to because I brought a bottle for him to use one night and he told me to get [...]

Element A440

A big thanks to Element A440 for putting Sure Fuck in their new video Porn Star Check out their new cd entitled Intravenous Nursery Rhymes This band fucking [...]

SF Cologne on Inside The Industry

A big thanks to host James Bartholet & the hot sexy co-host Emy Reyes for having Sure Fuck Cologne on Inside The Industry on LA Radio Inside The Industry is the program [...]
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